Saturday, October 26, 2019
Dear Smith family...............I cannot believe this, but then again I am getting older too......First Lou, then 20 days later Ken?? I am so, so, sorry. I mean give us a break here!! It seems like only yesterday we lost Lou's sister Katie!! What an end of an era.!! We are losing all the tough people that made our county work. I am so sorry I could not attend. I am without car and lost it in my last job by them cheating me in hours doing security at the mall. Promised 32, given 16. Then they hired some other guy for 40 hours!! Nice huh!! i'm hanging in there though!! I always remember what my mother told me years ago, and that is that there are no guarantees in life with nothing. I also remember my mom walking into the post in Ellicottville and they would ask her, how are you doing Ave?? Then she would say we're doing or we're here!! I guess that is how you have to feel every day when we get up, because we never know when our last day is going to be. I think you all knew my mom, they were Ray and Avion Hoelscher. Tell Michelle, Michael, and Holly Kamm, I said hello. Would like to get together some time with them. As you can see I have become computer savy!! Took it up when I was in the city yet at Adult Learning on Virginia Street!! My teacher was related to that Kriner Cash guy. Her name was Kim Cash and my typing teacher in Williamsville South was Sonny Bono's mother who use to call me Roy all the time instead of Ray!! She was about six feet tall and you know how short Sonny was. That's funny isn't it?? Call me if you want to get together........(716) 580-0794. Living at Brothers of Mercy Apartment #208 Clarence, N.Y. 14031 That is all for now!!!!