Sunday, April 18, 2021
So sorry to learn of Mabe’s passing. She and Bob were good friends of my folks going back to when they worked at NYSEG’s Penn Yan office on Main Street back in the day. Promotions may have lured them out of the area but they always maintained connections with friends and family back home. They stopped to see Lewie and Monica whenever they were back in town for visits throughout the years and my folks always appreciated it. Lot’s of fond memories of the time we spent at their great country home on Widow Hill Road back then. It was so nice that Mabe called me out of the blue last June just to say hi & to see how I was doing. Great people! Rest In Peace Mabe. Condolences to Bob, Martha, Howard and the rest of the family. Photo is from Feb 28th, 2000 at the Penn Yan Moose Lodge for Lewie and Monica Brady's 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebradtion